For Such A Time As This

Maximizing everyday moments to glorify God

“My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God’s truth, don’t write them off. Go after them. Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from God.” James 5:19-20 (MSG)

on August 15, 2013

Don’t lose sight!

Those words emblazoned in my mind during a time of prayer for a friend who has lost their way. I’ve been hearing a lot over the past few weeks about purpose and calling. The messages are interconnected with not losing sight, as God is pointing out.

I never want to forget that any gifts, talents and passions that I might have are a blessing from God. And those should be treasured and nurtured to be used for His glory. When we lose focus, and take our eyes off what He is doing in our lives, it’s easy to get sidetracked and think those things are for our benefit and personal proclamation. That’s when the enemy encircles us, creating a barrier to our ability to see outside of our selfish selves. He preys on our self-serving tendencies, creating issues of self-worth and pride that bring us into a downward spiral.

But God isn’t about to give up on us. He paid far too high a price for us to walk away.

God, whispering to our very souls, longs to bring us back to Him. He engages others in prayer on our behalf. He nudges friends to speak boldly into our lives and help us break out of the strongholds that have been created. He masterfully plays out His plans and purposes to bring Him the ultimate glory.

It may not be easy. In fact, in many cases, it takes a lifetime to bring a wandering soul into or back to the fold. But, never give up. James tells us it is possible for us to be used by God to help bring others back from self-destruction. Be encouraged.

If you, like me, are praying for a person who has lost their way, take heart. He hears. He knows. His heart is seeking that person. He is in the middle of that situation.

Keep praying. Keep asking Him to open their hearts. He will move when the time is right.

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